

  • Major in 会计 (Bachelor of Science)
  • 会计学硕士
  • 工商管理硕士会计方向


十大网赌正规网址, earning an accounting degree means you will be the sort of tax or audit professional accounting firms value 和 every business needs. 领导你.S. accounting firms return to MU year after year to recruit for interns 和 full-time employees. A recruiter for a leading certified public accountant (CPA) firm stated that 曼彻斯特 “is legendary for producing professionals who do extremely well. The reputation that 曼彻斯特 has earned is well-deserved 和 makes it a go-to place for talent.”

A bachelor’s degree in accounting from 曼彻斯特, 换句话说, opens a world of entry-level opportunities, whether in major corporations or small businesses. And now 曼彻斯特 is enhancing those opportunities, 和 the value of a student’s accounting education, by offering a Master’s of Accountancy (MACCT) – a 3+1 program that enables students to enroll in undergraduate 和 master’s level courses at the same time. This allows students to earn bachelor’s 和 master’s degrees in four years instead of five, eliminating a year of increased costs 和 lost earnings. 除了, because MACCT students will be full-time undergraduate students, they will retain all their undergraduate financial aid – making 曼彻斯特’s MACCT much more affordable than other programs.


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* Median pay reflects the average income for all U.S. professionals working in this field. Entry-level salaries are typically lower.


  • The 会计学硕士 program (MAACT) is an integrated 3+1 program. Students will enroll simultaneously in both undergraduate 和 master’s level courses, which will allow students to earn bachelor’s 和 master’s degrees in four years instead of the traditional five. Highlights include a m和atory internship 和 courses in data analytics, accounting research 和 advanced business information systems.
  • 每个9月, 12-15 accounting firms attend the annual 会计 Employer Mixer that provides all MU accounting students with opportunities to build their professional networks 和 to interview students for internships 和 full-time opportunities.
  • Here’s a sample of the firms with 曼彻斯特 graduates as employees: Baden Gage & Schroeder;  Crowe; Culp CPA Group; Dauby O’Connor & Zaleski; Dulin, Ward & DeWald; Ernst & Young; Forvis;  Greenwalt CPAs; Hamil Lehman & Engl和; Katz, Sapper & Miller; Kruggel Lawton; Lambert & Lanoue; PricewaterhouseCoopers; 和 RSM U.S.
  • 曼彻斯特 strongly encourages its accounting students to take the state-administered exam to become a Certified Public Accountant. 这是一个严谨的, four-part exam that requires hours of preparation, but 曼彻斯特 students who follow the preparation protocol set up by the 商学院 do extremely well on this exam.  (在这里查看注册会计师考试成绩.)
  • In the capstone course Case Studies in Business, required of all majors in the College, students organize 和 operate a business for a semester 和 then donate their earnings to a nonprofit of their choosing. 曼彻斯特 business students have donated more than $125,510及以上,306 hours of service to various nonprofit organizations.


  • 卡米·霍福德19岁 Lauren Rodts 19岁, good friends who could always be found studying together, can now be found working together. 两人都加入了RSM U.S. as audit associates in Indianapolis.
  • 杰克·凯19 played football at 曼彻斯特 和 following graduation joined Bactrian 会计 in Williamsport, IN.
  • Keiton大厅 B.S., MACCT ’20, a basketball st和out 和 president of the 商学院 Club, joined RSM U.S. in Atlanta, GA as an audit associate.  Keiton passed all four parts of the CPA exam on his first attempt.
  • Sierra Lehman ' 20 加入巴登Gage & 施罗德在韦恩堡, 毕业后IN, 和 she passed all four parts of the CPA exam on the first attempt.
  • 贝利康德 B.S., MACCT ’21 served as the treasurer of the 商学院 Club.  After graduation she joined Ernst & Young’s Indianapolis office as a staff accountant.
  • 艾萨克·米勒 B.S., MACCT ’21 excelled in his studies 和 on the tennis court, 和 he was a leader in the 商学院 Club’s 社区 Outreach Committee.  他收到了L.D. Ikenberry award—the highest award in the Gilbert 商学院 which is presented to the most outst和ing graduate, 和 passed all four parts of the CPA exam on his first attempt 和 earned a top-ten score in the state of Indiana. He is a staff accountant with Crowe in Fort 韦恩.
  • Phillip Clesceri B.S.MACCT ' 22是一个轨道 & 明尼苏达大学田径运动员.他收到了L.D. Ikenberry award—the highest award in the Gilbert 商学院 which is presented to the most outst和ing graduate, 和 he is preparing to sit for the CPA exam.He is a tax associate at RSM, U.S. 在辛辛那提.
  • B.S.22年泰勒·沃伦B.S.22年 were co-recipients of the prestigious Arthur L. Gilbert Outst和ing 会计 Major award.Darcie accepted a position with Hamil, Lehman & Engl和 in Fort 韦恩, IN, 和 Taylor will be working as an auditor for Crowe in Elkhart, IN.Both are preparing for the CPA exam.